
Hung-Chang Hsiao(蕭宏章)

Curriculum Vitae

Mailing Address
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
National Cheng Kung University
1 University Road
Tainan 701, TAIWAN

Phone: +886-6-2757575 Ext. 62548
E-mail: hsiao@mail.ncku.edu.tw
Website: https://www.csie.ncku.edu.tw/zh-hant/members/27

蕭宏章教授於2005任職於成大資訊系,長期鑽研並深耕key-value stores之技術。key-value store是近年來新興大型分散式雲端資料庫儲存體之引擎 (storage engine),被業界大量採用,為其基礎設施的一部分,尤其在巨量資料計算領域。蕭教授過去研究雖然能發表於高質量之國際研討會及期刊論文,然該些研究產出對國內企業並無實質效益,因此自2013蕭教授以研發技術為我國企業所用為重心。蕭教授如今有以下代表性結果:

學術發表:蕭教授過去有部分研究論述發表於IEEE flagship期刊IEEE Transactions on ComputersTCIEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS)IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing其中部分研究創見兩度於20112015年榮幸獲頒台灣雲端協會年度最佳論文獎,及多次獲頒國內會議之最佳論文。蕭教授亦有相關資料庫儲存引擎技術及智慧製造技術之美國專利。

產業界:蕭教授近年投入大量心力針對國內最重要之產業---半導體製造---自主開發並營運巨量資料儲存與計算平台,使能真正在production環境下上線7x24使用,發揮研究成果之實質效益。系統軟體研究發表與實際上線使用所耗費人力與時間兩者難以比擬,歷經3.5年的研製與生產線上之壓力測試,該些研製成果在業者 (聯華電子) 審查同意後得撰文揭露於IEEE International Conference on Big Data 2018 (regular paper/industry track, IEEE big data conference官方稱是IEEE top-tier conference)中發表,次年2019亦於Apache為亞洲工業界主辦的開源會議 (HBaseConAsia) 投稿並接受發表。又,20192020兩年蕭教授與日月光合作,初步成果以短篇論文形式揭露於,並於2021.9~2022.8開始為期一年之時間導入。整體來說,蕭教授所研製的巨量資料平台與技術技術已為國內半導體廠兩指標企業所使用。

Apache Hadoopecosystem開源貢獻:在為半導體業者研製巨量資料平台及上線使用之際,發覺Hadoop非總能滿足企業需求,因此蕭教授亦投入心力帶領實驗室學生致力於全球性的Open Source軟體做出實質性的貢獻,尤其在Apache HadoopApache HBase (distributed database storage engine)Apache Ozone (下一世代Hadoop檔案系統)Apache Submarine (end-to-end分散式MLOps=ML+DEV+OPS平台) Apache Kafka (distributed data streaming) 等專案方面,在國際社群推舉與投票下迄今培育若干學生成為該些專案之project management committees (PMC’s,三位) committers (六位),即蕭教授除了技術移轉於國內半導體製作產業,亦帶領學生貢獻國際上重要知名開源軟體,並培育人才。


[1] Chia-Ping Tsai, Hung-Chang Hsiao, Michael Hsu, and Andy RK Chang. "Bridging the Gap between Big Data System Software Stack and Applications: The Case of Semiconductor Wafer Fabrication Foundries" IEEE International Conference on Big Data, Dec. 2018. (IEEE 1st-tier conference) (聯華電子UMC與日月光ASE巨量資料平台)
[2] Chia-Ping Tsai, Hung-Chang Hsiao, and Yu-Chen Lai. “The Data Recovery Service in NoSQL,” IEEE International Conference on Big Data, December 17-20, 2022. (IEEE 1st-tier conference) (研發成果為UMC/ASE/FETC巨量資料平台之一部分) (同時這個研究的產出我們也貢獻於Apache HBase使併隨於HBase同步發行於全世界) (亦是美國專利9,372,765, June, 2016.)
[3] Hung-Chang Hsiao, Huesh-Yi Chung, Haiying Shen and Yu-Chang Chao. "Load Rebalancing for Distributed File Systems in Clouds," IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS), Vol. 24, No. 5, May 2013, pp. 951-962. (研發成果為UMC/ASE巨量資料平台之一部分) (Ranked 6th of top 25 downloaded papers till November 2013 in IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS))
[4] Hung-Chang Hsiao and Hong-Wei Su. "A Symmetric Load Balancing Algorithm with Performance Guarantees for Distributed Hash Tables," IEEE Transactions on Computers (TC), Vol. 62, No. 4, April 2013, pp. 662-675. (研發成果為UMC/ASE巨量資料平台之一部分)
[5] Hung-Chang Hsiao, Hao Liao, Ssu-Ta Chen, and Kuo-Chan Huang. "Load Balance with Imperfect Information in Structured Peer-to-Peer Systems," IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Vol. 22, No. 4, April 2011, pp. 634-649. (研發成果為UMC/ASE巨量資料平台之一部分)

  • 見上述[1],UMC/ASE巨量資料平台之設計經驗分享
[6] Chia-Ping Tsai, Hung-Chang Hsiao, Michael Hsu, and Andy RK Chang. "Bridging the Gap between Big Data System Software Stack and Applications: The Case of Semiconductor Wafer Fabrication Foundries" IEEE International Conference on Big Data, Dec. 2018. (IEEE 1st-tier conference)
[7] Chia-Ping Tsai, Michael Hsu, Andy RK Chang, and Hung-Chang Hsiao. “Bridging the Gap between Big Data System Software Stack and Applications: The Case of Distributed Storage Service for Semiconductor Wafer Fabrication Foundries,” HBaseConAsia’19, July 20, 2019. (Apache於亞洲工業界主辦之開源會議)
[8] Chia-Ping Tsai, Hung-Chang Hsiao, and Yu-Chen Lai. “The Data Recovery Service in NoSQL,” IEEE International Conference on Big Data, December 17-20, 2022. (IEEE 1st-tier conference, 成果亦開源Apache HBase使併隨於HBase同步發行於全世界https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HBASE-15806)
[9] H.-C. Hsiao, C.-P. Tsai, Z.-X. Li, C.-H. Lee, J.-S. Chen, Y.-C. Lai, J.-C. Wang, S.-C. Li, J.-C. Gao, and Y.-H. Lee. “Load Balancing Algorithms and Their Impacts on Apache Kafka,” IEEE Int’l Conf. on Big Data (BigData’23), Dec. 2023.
[10] K.-H. Chen, H.-P. Su, W.-C. Chuang, Hung-Chang Hsiao, W. Tan, Z. Tang, X. Liu, Y. Liang, W.-C. Lo, W. Ji, B. Hsu, K. Hu, H.Y. Jian, Q. Zhou, and C.-M. Wang. “Apache Submarine: A Unified Machine Learning Platform Made Simple,” European Workshop on Machine Learning and Systems (EuroMLSys) in conjunction with European Conf. Computer Systems (EuroSys), Apr. 5–8, 2022 (CoRR abs/2108.09615, 2021) (EuroSys為歐洲地區年度1st-tier conference)
[11] Chia-Ping Tsai, Hung-Chang Hsiao, and Yu-Chen Lai. “The Data Recovery Service in NoSQL,” IEEE International Conference on Big Data, December 17-20, 2022. (IEEE 1st-tier conference, 成果亦開源Apache HBase使併隨於HBase同步發行於全世界https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HBASE-15806)
[12] Huang-Mu Cheng, Wei-Chiu Chuang (Cloudera), Lian-Xing Wei, and Hung-Chang Hsiao. “The Performance Pitfalls in Apache Ozone,” Taiwan Symposium on Cloud and Services Computing (TWSC’22), May 19, 2022. (Best Paper Award) (與美國Cloudera合作共同研製Apache Ozone)
  • 蕭教授跨領域於智慧製造之相關創作
[13] H.-C. Tran, Y.-L. Lo, H.-C. Yang, Hung-Chang Hsiao, F.-T. Cheng, and T.-H. Kuo. “Intelligent Additive Manufacturing Architecture for Enhancing Uniformity of Surface Roughness and Mechanical Properties of Laser Powder Bed Fusion Components,” IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, September, 2023. (自動化工程領域1st-tier journal)
[14] M.-H. Hung, Y.-C. Lin, Hung-Chang Hsiao, C.-C. Chen, K.-C. Lai, Y.-M. Hsieh, H. Ding, T.-H. Tsai, H.-C. Huang, H.-C. Yang, and F.-T. Cheng. “A Novel Implementation Framework of Digital Twins for Intelligent Manufacturing based on Container Technology and Cloud Manufacturing Services,” IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering , Vol. 19, No. 3, 2022. (自動化工程領域1st-tier journal)
[15] M.-H. Hung, Y.-C. Lin, Hung-Chung Hsiao, C.-C. Chen, K.-C. Lai, Y.-M. Hsieh, H. Ding, T.-H. Tsai, H.-C. Huang, H.-C. Yang, and F.-T. Cheng. “A Novel Implementation Framework of Digital Twins for Intelligent Manufacturing based on Container Technology and Cloud Manufacturing Services,” IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), 2022. (自動化工程領域1st-tier conference)
[16] H.-C. Yang, Y.-L. Lo, Hung-Chung Hsiao, S.-H. Wang, M.-C. Hu, C.-H. Huang, and F.-T. Cheng. “Additive Manufacturing System and Method and Feature Extraction Method,” 美國專利US20200147893A1.
[17] Hung-Chung Hsiao. ‘Chapter: Big Data Infrastructure,” In Industry 4.1—Intelligent Manufacturing with Zero Defects, IEEE/Wiely press, ISBN 9781119739890, Ed. F.-T. Cheng, 2021. (IEEE英文專書章節) (描述關於本人所帶領團隊於我國若干半導體廠之巨量資料與計算平台之技術開發與實際案例)


  • 產學合作(原昌工業):Kafka串流應用之負載平衡最佳化,2023.1~2023.12,計180萬元
  • 產學合作(華邦Winbond):Apache Cassandra的原理剖析與效能評測,2022.11~2023.10,計110萬元
  • 產學合作 (Island亦思科技):自主高效串流資料管理平台與新興應用 (成大計畫編號:111AT16B),2022.1~2022.12,計150萬元
  • 技術移轉至日月光(ASE): IIOT 數據中台架構最佳化,ASE Legal No. O-2021-09-0060-A及成大計畫編號B111-A012DS,2021.9~2024.8,計280萬元
  • 技術移轉至工研院45萬: Database storage engine with GPU optimization
  • 技術移轉至聯電(UMC),共計 230萬元: (1) Hadoop高效能平行運算儲存平台研究及建置 (成大計畫編號B104-K15): 104年6月~105年10月,120萬元; (2) Hadoop平台平行處理能力提升及效能優化 (成大計畫編號B105-K549): 105年12月~107年2月,110萬元
  • 對全球Open Source資料庫軟件Apache Hadoop/HDFS/HBase/Phoenix/Ozone/Submarine/Kafka貢獻多項議題之原始碼: 蔡嘉平 (HBase PMC/committer, Kafka PMC/committer)、陳浩駿 (HBase PMC and committer)、蘇桓平 (Submarine PMC and committer)、連亦盛 (HDFS/Ozone committer)、楊駿豪 (Ozone committer)、羅文志 (Submarine committer)、張君如 (Submarine committer)、林宥駒 (Yunikorn committer)
  • 美國專利: (1) 9,372,765: System and Method for Recovering System State Consistency to Any Point-in-Time in Distributed Database (應用於UMC/ASE巨量資料平台); (2) 美國專利20200147893A1: Additive Manufacturing System and Method and Feature Extraction Method


  • 科技部資訊工程學門優良計畫執行成果:分散式FDC半導體製造雲端計算平台:具應用端意識與細顆粒度資源控制110-2221-E-006-051-
  • Chia-Ping Tsai, Hung-Chang Hsiao, and Yu-Chen Lai. “The Data Recovery Service in NoSQL,” IEEE International Conference on Big Data, December 17-20, 2022. (美國專利9,372,765) (研發成果為UMC/ASE巨量資料平台之一部分) (2022 IEEE Big Data 1st-tier conference) (成果亦開源Apache HBase使併隨於HBase同步發行於全世界https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HBASE-15806)
  • Huang-Mu Cheng, Wei-Chiu Chuang (Cloudera), Lian-Xing Wei, and Hung-Chang Hsiao. “The Performance Pitfalls in Apache Ozone,” Taiwan Symposium on Cloud and Services Computing (TWSC’22), May 19, 2022. (Best Paper Award) (與美國Cloudera合作共同開發Apache Ozone)
  • 受邀發表IEEE專書章節 (Chapter title: Big Data Infrastructures) 描述關於本人所帶領團隊於我國若干半導體廠之巨量資料與計算平台之技術開發與實際案例 (Book title: Industry 4.1–Intelligent Manufacturing with Zero Defects, ISBN 9781119739890)
  • 科技部2021年未來科技獎:智慧型積層製造架構 (入圍)
  • 台灣雲端計算學會2019最佳碩士論文與指導教授獎
  • 2015與2011台灣雲端計算協會年度最佳論文
  • Andy RK Chang, Yu-Ling Chen, Yen-Zhou Huang, Hung-Chang Hsiao, Michael Hsu, Chia-Chee Lee, Hsin-Yin Lee, Wei-An Shih, Chia-Ping Tsai, and Kuan-Po Tseng. “The Case of a Novel Operational Distributed Storage Service for Big Data in a Semiconductor Wafer Fabrication Foundry,” Taiwan Academic Network Conference (TANET'18), October 27-29, 2010. Best Paper Award (UMC/ASE巨量資料平台部分元件技術)


  • 2023.1 ITSA教育部智慧跨域人才培育計畫績優團隊
  • 蔡嘉平 (Apache member, HBase PMC/committer, Kafka PMC/committer)、陳浩駿 (HBase PMC and committer)、蘇桓平 (Submarine PMC and committer)、連亦盛 (HDFS/Ozone committer)、楊駿豪 (Ozone committer)、羅文志 (Submarine committer)、張君如 (Submarine committer)、林宥駒 (Yunikorn committer),詳見Apache官方網站https://projects.apache.org/

六、完整履歷 (含與本計畫無直接相關之論文研究著述)

蕭教授過去執行多項學研及產學計畫 (國內知名企業與法人),也多次主辦及協辦國內外學術會議,並每年例行授課於產業界分享最前沿之技術與產業開發之實務經驗蕭教授目前計有90+國內外論文學術發表,其完整履歷請見: https://sites.google.com/site/hungchanghsiao