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2019.11.06 德國慕尼黑理工大學(TUM)學者將於11/21至智慧製造研究中心演講

國立成功大學智慧製造研究中心特別邀請德國Technische Universität München (慕尼黑理工大學) Birgit Vogel-Heuser教授在20191121日(四)下午14:0015:30至自強校區照坤精密儀器大樓4416號會議室演講。

Vogel-Heuser教授主要研究領域為電腦系統及軟體工程、分散式及可靠的嵌入式系統建模,並主要專注在解決製造領域面臨日漸增加的客製化產品需求之挑戰。演講題目為Software engineering challenges to enable Industry 4.0,歡迎有興趣人士踴躍前報名專頁報名。


Industry 4.0 compliant production systems have lifetimes of up to 30–50 years, throughout which the desired products change ever more frequently. This requires flexible, reusable control software that can be easily maintained and evolved.
Challenges to assure long time evolvability as well as selected research results based on verification, code analyses, architectures, metrics as well as agent based approaches are presented using lab demonstrators as well as industrial examples.

Prof. Birgit Vogel-Heuser 個人資料
Time  Activity
14:00 - 15:00 Speech
15:00 - 15:30 Q&A