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2019.10.14 美國國家標準暨技術研究院(NIST)學者將於10/25至智慧製造研究中心演講

國立成功大學智慧製造研究中心特別邀請美國美國國家標準暨技術研究院(NIST) 學者Dr. Yan Lu (System Integration Division)20191025日(五)上午10:0012:00至自強校區照坤精密儀器大樓4樓416號會議室演講。
Dr. Lu 主要研究領域為智慧製造系統架構設計及優化、金屬積層製造建模及設計優化,現並與中心進行合作計畫中。演講題目為 Continuous learning of additive manufacturing process based on collaborative data management,並將在演講當天現場演示NIST之金屬積層製造資料庫 (AMMD),歡迎有興趣人士踴躍前往報名專頁報名。

The current additive manufacturing (AM) product development environment is far from being mature. Both software applications and workflow management tools are very limited due to the lack of knowledge supporting engineering decision making. AM knowledge, including design rules, operation guidance, and predictive models, etc., plays a critical role in the development of AM products, from the selection of a process and material, lattice and support structure design, process parameter optimization to in-situ process control, part qualification and even material development. At the same time, massive AM simulation and experimental data sets are being accumulated, stored, and processed by the AM community. This talk describes a four-tier framework for continuous learning of additive manufacturing processes based on collaborative data management and advanced data analytics. The framework defines two processes: bottom-up data-driven knowledge engineering and top-down goal-oriented active data generation. The processes are running in parallel and connected by users, therefore forming a closed loop, through which AM knowledge can evolve continuously and in an automated way.

Dr. Yan Lu

Time  Activity
10:00 -10:30 Check-in
10:30 - 11:15 Speech
11:15 - 11:30 AMMD Demonstration
11:30 - 12:00 Q&A